ICYMI: Biden-Harris Administration Opens Special Enrollment Period on HealthCare.gov

February 16, 2021

This week, the Biden-Harris administration announced it is opening HealthCare.gov through May 15 to give all Americans the opportunity to sign up for health insurance. Georgians can use this special enrollment period to explore their coverage options and find a health plan during this unprecedented public health crisis.

In response to the announcement, Congresswoman Nikema Williams, Chair of the Democratic Party of Georgia, released the following statement:

“If you have lost health insurance due to the pandemic or are interested in switching coverage plans, I encourage you to visit HealthCare.gov before May 15 to explore your options. President Biden and Vice President Harris know that everyone deserves access to quality, affordable health care, which is why they have opened this special enrollment period to ensure Americans have the coverage they need during this pandemic. So spread the word, get your family and friends to sign up if they are not yet covered, and help secure some peace of mind as we work together to beat COVID-19 and come back stronger.”

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