Walker Still Refusing to Endorse Kemp, Speculates that Governor’s Race will “Heat Up” as Trump Declares Walker/Perdue “Unstoppable Team”

December 16, 2021

The fallout from failed former Senator David Perdue’s decision to challenge Brian Kemp in the Georgia GOP primary continues, as Herschel Walker still refuses to endorse the embattled governor and instead stokes the GOP infighting — noting that “this governor’s race is going to heat up,” while Donald Trump’s endorsement of a Walker/Perdue “team” brings the entire Georgia GOP “a new level of chaos.” 

In case you’re just tuning into the GOP headaches:

“This is the nightmare scenario that Georgia Republicans wanted to avoid, and Herschel Walker refusing to back the incumbent governor speaks volumes,” said Dan Gottlieb, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “While Republicans fight each other, Democrats are focused on rebuilding our infrastructure, expanding access to health care, and delivering relief for hardworking Georgians in every corner of the state.”

Read about GOP Rivals going after Walker for skipping debates, avoiding voters, and refusing to speak on Georgia issues here.


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