ICYMI: Georgians Demand Fair Maps

August 13, 2021

Data Showing Diversifying Georgia Underscores Call for Fairness in Redistricting

As the U.S. Census Bureau releases new data that will guide the redrawing of legislative districts, Georgians in every corner of the state are calling for fairness and transparency in the redistricting process, which is led by the Republican majorities in the Georgia state legislature.

State officials held redistricting town halls throughout the state this summer, where scores of citizens and advocates “implored lawmakers to create fair maps, consider the state’s increasing diversity and commit to a transparent process.”

According to an analysis by Georgia Public Broadcasting of ten hearings across the state, the most common theme in public testimony was overwhelmingly fairness, with public input, transparency, and representation also top issues.

“The district maps in Georgia must be drawn fairly and accurately reflect the will of voters, and Georgians deserve a more open and transparent redistricting process than what Republican leaders have offered,” said Scott Hogan, Executive Director of the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Democrats will be watching this process closely and making sure Georgians’ voices from across the state are heard, and we are willing to use all the tools at our disposal to ensure the fair maps that Georgians of all backgrounds and political beliefs are demanding.”

Findings from the GPB analysis of redistricting town halls:

  • 60% of speakers called for fairness
  • 44% of public speakers asked for more public input into the process
  • 40% of speakers called for increased transparency


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