Democratic Party of Georgia Statement on Latest Bureau of Labor Statistics State Unemployment Figures

July 17, 2020

After the U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics released the latest state unemployment figures, Democratic Party of Georgia Chair Nikema Williams released the following statement: 

“Because of Donald Trump and Brian Kemp’s incompetent handling of the coronavirus pandemic, over one in eight Georgians are out of work and our unemployment rate is more than four points higher than what it was a year ago. Now, Trump is going to pull the rug out from underneath the thousands of Georgians who are still unemployed because he refuses to extend the unemployment benefits so many are relying on, which will undoubtedly make the current unemployment crisis even worse. Georgians need a president with a plan to bring us together and move us forward, to contain this pandemic and lift us from recession, to create good-paying jobs and invest in American innovation and ingenuity. Joe Biden has a vision to do just that.”


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