Build Back Better Agenda Will Reduce Health Care Costs, Uninsured Rates in Georgia

August 24, 2021

While the Biden-Harris administration continues to take action and fight against the spread of COVID-19, recent studies show that the Build Back Better agenda will lower costs of health care premiums and reduce the number of uninsured Georgians. 

With the extended enrollment deadline in health coverage through the Affordable Care Act marketplace closed, data from Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services shows that Georgians who enrolled in marketplace coverage saved an average of 45% on their premiums compared to their previous coverage rates thanks to the enhanced tax credits in President Biden and Democrats’ American Rescue Plan.

One analysis by the actuarial firm Oliver Wyman shows that extending these enhanced tax credits would increase the number of people with coverage through the ACA by 7.4 million people. Approximately, 4.1 million previously uninsured people would gain ACA coverage, and families would save hundreds or even thousands of dollars per year on their premiums.

Additionally, expanding Medicaid in holdout states like Georgia — a key component of the President’s health care agenda and an initiative spearheaded in Congress by Senators Reverend Raphael Warnock and Jon Ossoff in the Senate alongside Georgia’s six congressional Democrats — would insure 461,000 more Georgians, according to a study from the Urban Institute. Despite Brian Kemp and Georgia Republicans’ refusal to close the Medicaid gap, leaving hundreds of thousands of Georgians behind, President Biden and Georgia Democrats are stepping up to fight for Georgians’ health care.


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