As Kemp Follows Senator Warnock’s Lead to Suspend Gas Tax, Walker Opposes Efforts to Lower Price at the Pump for Georgians

March 9, 2022

Yesterday, Brian Kemp announced he’ll be following the lead of Senator Reverend Warnock, who is pushing to suspend the gas tax across the country as oil and gas corporations continue to rake in record profits and Georgians are forced to pay more and more at the pump. 

Meanwhile, a day before Kemp announced he was following suit, GOP Senate candidate Herschel Walker was “deriding Warnock’s proposal to cut the federal gas tax,” writing off Warnock’s legislation to lower the economic strain on Georgians as “talking about eliminating stuff to get votes.”

“Herschel Walker is opposing Senator Reverend Warnock’s effort to save Georgia families cash at the pump,” said Dan Gottlieb, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. “Walker has no real interest in lowering the cost of gas or any other essential goods for hardworking Georgia families, and now it shows.”

Read more about Senator Reverend Warnock’s plan to alleviate prices at the pump here.


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