NEW POLL: 62% Oppose Kemp’s Extreme Abortion Ban

October 6, 2022

“Georgia’s voters overwhelmingly oppose efforts to restrict reproductive freedom”

New polling from NARAL Pro-Choice America is showing that Georgians overwhelmingly oppose efforts to restrict reproductive freedom. By a 24-point margin, 62% of Georgians oppose Gov. Brian Kemp and Georgia Republicans’ six-week abortion ban – and 55% of Georgians strongly oppose the ban. 

With comments recently surfacing from Kemp opening the door to banning contraception, the poll shows that Georgians also overwhelmingly oppose that idea. 94% of Georgians oppose efforts to prohibit access to birth control methods, and 81% of Georgians oppose efforts to restrict access to emergency contraception. 

NARAL Pro-Choice America: Georgia Voters Overwhelmingly Oppose Efforts to Restrict Reproductive Freedom 

  • Georgia voters overwhelmingly oppose efforts to restrict reproductive freedom. Six-in-ten (62%) oppose the recent overturning of Roe vs. Wade by the United States Supreme Court, and a similar number (62%) oppose the Georgia six-week ban that recently went into effect.
  • This opposition is particularly strong among Black men, 86% of whom oppose the overturning of Roe vs. Wade, and 79% of whom oppose Georgia’s abortion ban. Opposition is also intense among Independents, who oppose both bans by double digit margins (58% oppose overturning Roe v. Wade and 59% oppose the Georgia ban.
  • Georgia voters also vehemently oppose other efforts to restrict reproductive care, including raising taxes on menstrual hygiene products (96% oppose, 89% strongly oppose), prohibiting access to birth control methods like oral contraceptives or IUDs (94% oppose, 87% strongly oppose) or access to “Plan B” emergency contraception (81% oppose, 71% strongly oppose). 


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