Herschel Walker Defends Use of Swastika

October 13, 2021

Herschel Walker is defending a donor’s use of a swastika ahead of a high-dollar Texas fundraiser that same donor will host for him this weekend. A spokesperson for the Trump-tapped candidate, who has refused to say whether he is vaccinated, defended the Nazi symbol, claiming that the image — which is clearly a swastika — was “an anti-mandatory vaccination graphic.

The swastika has already been mired in controversy around the country, with prominent Jewish leaders saying that the “outrageous,” “shameful,” and “offensive” symbol that Walker refuses to condemn “legitimize[s] anti-Semitism.” 

“Herschel Walker is defending an indisputable symbol of genocide to millions of Jews — a swastika made out of syringes — for nothing more than some campaign cash,” said Dan Gottlieb, spokesman for the Democratic Party of Georgia. 


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