Applications for Executive Director Update

May 2, 2011

The application period for the Democratic Party of Georgia Executive Director’s position is now closed.  At the close of the application period, a total of 49 resumes have been received from around the country.  At this point, I have started to review these applications and will begin the personal interview process as soon as possible.

In order to properly evaluate the best candidate for the Executive Directors position, I have formed a Committee to review the top five candidates and make a recommendation on the most appropriate hiring decision. This Committee is made up of Democrats from around the State and includes members of the Senate, House and Congressional Delegations, party activists, a former State-wide candidate for office, financial donors and a member of the GADCC.

We will be contacting every candidate as soon as possible with the goal of having the interview process completed and a hiring selection made by June 1st.

If there are any questions about the interview process, please let me know at [email protected]. I look forward to working through the interviews and selecting an Executive Director that can help lead us into the future.



Mike Berlon

Democratic Party of Georgia

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